Doomsday Prepping and the Importance of MREs

The doomsday prepping movement is growing. However, many people are not truly considering what will happen when the SHTF. Many people are prepping by buying large quantities of food that they can use if they are holed up in their home. However, many people are not considering their needs, if they need to take their doomsday show on the road.

Food is a major concern for all preppers. If you want to survive a doomsday event, you must consider buying MREs.

Portable Food

MREs are portable meals. Unlike other meals that come in separate containers, you get a whole meal with an MRE. This can make it easier to get the calories you need, without having to deal with multiple containers.

A person can easily carry several MREs on their person and dozens in their car. This can help sustain a person or their family for weeks. That may be enough time for them to locate to a safe house, their emergency shelter or another location.


An MRE is a self-heating container. This means there is no need to start a fire or use a heating source to warm the food. In an emergency situation, you may not want to have signs of your location.

Since the MRE is self-heating, you will not need to worry about how to start a fire on a cold or windy day. You also get to avoid using your precious matches. In a situation where all of your resources are necessities, it is important to get supplies that reduce their use.

Calorie Dense

MREs are packed full of calories. These calories are needed to sustain your strength and energy at a time when your life may truly depend on it. When you are in a doomsday type situation you need to have all of the physical resources you can.

There are both MRE bars and meals. The calorie levels are different. You should check on the calorie levels of the MREs you buy, to ensure you get the calories you need for your new doomsday lifestyle.


Prepping is not easy to do. You must look ahead to the many possible scenarios that can occur. With doomsday prepping you cannot hope that you will be able to stay in your home. You need to prepare to leave the safety of your house in order to find a more secure location. This requires the use of portable food supplies like MREs.